O Mary Mother Sweetest Best – Christmas Songs 24

Praise And Worship Religious Songs
Released on: 27 Jun 2018

O Mary Mother Sweetest Best Song Lyrics

O Mary Mother, Sweetest Best; From Heaven’s Immortal Bowers.
Do Gather For A Little Child, A Bouquet Of Sweet Flowers.
I Wish My Little Heart To Be A Cradle Fair And Gay,
Where Blessed Jesus May Repose On My First Communion Day.
Where Blessed Jesus May Repose On My First Communion Day.

My Little Child, I Can Obtain So Bright A Wreath For Thee.
That Jesus Will Delight To Come, Within Thy Heart To Be.
I’ll Give Thee Lovely Charity More Warm Than Roses Glow.
I’ll Give Thee Heavenly Purity More White Than Lilly Snow
I’ll Give Thee Heavenly Purity More White Than Lilly Snow.

The Violet Of Humility Shall Yield A Sweet Perfume
And Jesus Will Delight To Be, Within Thy Little Room.
But Then Remember Dearest Child, The Blossoms That I Give
Require The Watering Of A Prayer Or They Will Cease To Live
Require The Watering Of A Prayer Or They Will Cease To Live.

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O Mary Mother Sweetest Best MP3 Song

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Praise And Worship Religious Songs, Popular Religious Songs, Christian Songs Religious Songs, YouTube Gospel Music Praise And Worship, Christmas Songs Lyrics, YouTube Gospel Songs With Lyrics, English Gospel Songs, English Praise Songs, English Worship Songs Lyrics, English Worship Songs, Old English Christian Songs.

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